
Showing posts from December, 2022


 Is a group of graduated exercises applied for the LL and designed to overcome the incoordination and proprioception loss by visual feedback.   Principles:            Four basic positions should be used:                    * supine                    * sitting                   * standing                   * walking         Frenkel’s Exercises principles:                   * Start unilateral then bilateral.                    * Start fast then slow movement.                    * Start by proximal then by distal joints.                    * Start by symmetrical then asymmetrical movement.                    * The patient must see the movements and verbal feedback is very important.      General Instructions for frenkel's exercises               * Exercises can be performed with the part supported or unsupported, unilaterally or bilaterally.                * They should be practiced as smooth, timed movements, performed at a slow, even tempo by counting out loud.                * C